26 October 2017
Parsons Green
The Chairs of the London District, the Revds MichaelaYoungson, Nigel Cowgill and Jongi Zihle, offer their thoughts andprayers following today's explosion at Parsons Green,London:
As Londoners travelled to work this morning, we again became thetarget of those who would cause us harm. We have seen once more thecourage and care of emergency services and of Transport for Londonstaff. Parsons Green is a station on the District Line along whichmany thousands of commuters travel every day, not a particularlywell known station and yet now it joins the litany of placesnotorious because of events that have taken place there. Pleasepray for those who have been injured and traumatised by theincident this morning and pray for peace in our world.
Loving God
You are with us in the ordinary moments of life, on those days wetake for granted
and you are with us in the extra-ordinary moments, when lifebecomes more precious.
We pray for your presence in the lives of those who have beeninjured and traumatised in the attack on the tube train at Parson'sGreen.
We give thanks for all the emergency services and the staff ofTransport for London, for their courage and their service toothers.
We pray for peace in our homes, on our streets and in ourworld.
In the name of the Prince of Peace.
Michaela Youngson, Nigel Cowgill, Jongi Zihle
London District Chairs
The Revd Loraine N Mellor, President of the MethodistConference, also shared her thoughts and prayers:
It is with deep regret that once more we see on our news peopleinjured as result of what the police are describing as a terroristincident. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have beeninjured, their families and all those effected by this morning'sevents.
Events like these cause major disruption to people going abouttheir daily lives and we also pray for them.
These incidents, frightening for many, enable us to give thanksfor our emergency services who this year have been tested beyondmeasure with a variety of different situations. We hold them beforeGod in prayer, giving thanks especially for their commitment andfortitude in these troubled times.
Loraine N Mellor
President of the Methodist Conference