
Queen’s Foundation and Methodist Church name building



The Queen's Foundation in Birmingham and the MethodistChurch have announced the name of a newly purchased building today,named after a renowned theologian and minister.

'Frances Young House', 24 Somerset Road, Edgbaston, is thelatest building to be made available to the Foundation, whichoffers academic ecumenical theological education and trainsMethodists and Anglicans for ministry.

The building has been purchased by the Methodist Church, whichhas had a significant partnership with the Foundation since1970.


Building works are currently underway and scheduled to befinished by April this year.

Designed by a local architect, the newly refurbished structurewill boast a new lecture theatre, offices, facilities and livingquarters as a new space to 'live, learn and reflect'.


The new building takes its name from the Revd Professor FrancesYoung, a Methodist minister and established theologian who has manynotable achievements in theology, including an OBE for her servicesto the field.

When asked about her reaction to finding out that she would havea building named after her, Frances said: "My first reaction wasone of astonishment - it was so unexpected, and so out of sync withthe sermon I was preparing about humility!

"But since finding out, I've been increasingly grateful, seeingit as a sign of mutual regard - of the College's appreciation formy long standing association, and of my own appreciation for allthe College has given me over the years."


The Revd Canon Dr David Hewlett, Principal of the Foundation,added: "I am delighted that the house will be named after the RevdProfessor Frances Young.

"Professor Young is already closely connected with the Queen'sFoundation as one of our International Research Consultants and herlifelong work and ministry exemplifies the best of Christianscholarship.

"The new building will be a wonderful addition to the Queen'scampus, providing first class accommodation for our studentcommunity and excellent additional teaching resources."




For downloadable photos of the Frances Young House duringbuilding works, please click here.