26 October 2017
Statement on Israel and the West Bank
In the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, the Presidentand Vice-President of the Methodist Conference have issued thisstatement on Israel and the West Bank:
"We express sorrow over the significant increase in recentmonths in the demolitions of houses and other structures in theWest Bank and East Jerusalem. House demolitions have left 500people homeless this year. In the Cremisan Valley ancient olivetrees are being torn up to make way for the separationwall.
"The World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel this week offersus an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the search for ajust peace in the region. The week calls on us to build bridges notwalls and we join the prayer that equal rights and respect will beafforded to every person in the land of Israel and Palestine."
The Revd SteveWild
President of theConference
Dr Jill Barber
Vice President of the Conference
Peacemakingin Israel and Palestine