16 March 2018
Statement on recent election results
Rachel Lampard, Secretary for Political Affairs, The MethodistChurch: "As a Church and as individuals, Methodists have beeninvolved in highlighting the dangers of political extremism in manyparts of the country, often as part of ecumenical groups.
"It is always a matter for concern when any extreme party, whoseviews are incompatible with Christian beliefs, wins any seats.While we are satisfied that none of the extreme parties haveachieved any significant gains, nonetheless some have won seats insome areas. Methodists and other Christians in those areas willcontinue to support those affected by political extremism and tomaintain awareness of its dangers.
"The Methodist Church is also aware that political extremism isnot limited to one party nor just to this election cycle. As aproblem it will always remain in some form. We will continue tohighlight its dangers, to encourage people to vote wisely and tosupport those most affected by poverty, injustice or racism."