16 March 2018
Team takes to the hills to raise money for Home Mission
Two senior members of the Methodist Connexional Team will taketo the hills to raise money for the Fund for Home Mission. Co-ordinating Secretaries Anthea Cox and the Revd Jonathan Kerry aimto raise over £2000 by climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike andSnowdon/ Yr Wyddfa - the three highest peaks in Scotland, Englandand Wales - in three days in June.
Friends will accompany the dynamic duo on the trip, during whichthey will climb over 3,000m of mountains and drive nearly 500miles. Says Anthea 'we know that some people have done this all inone day, but we mostly spend our time sitting in meetings, so forus it is a big challenge to do it in three.'
The Fund for Home Mission supports the work of the Church acrossGreat Britain. A fundraising web page has been created so thatpeople can give online