
The Methodist Conference chooses President and Vice-President for 2014/15

The Methodist Conference has elected the Revd Kenneth Howcroftto be President of the Conference in 2014/15, and Mrs Gill Dascombeto be Vice-President. Both will start their year of office when theConference meets in Birmingham on 28 June 2014. They will succeedthe current President and Vice-President, the Revd Ruth Gee and DrDaleep Mukarji, as the first item of the Conference'sbusiness. 

Ken Howcroft was ordained in 1984, and has since servedthe Church as a circuit minister, a tutor in a theological college,a connexional secretary responsible for Formation in Ministry andAssistant Secretary of theConference.  

Ken said: "This is a great privilege and a humbling moment. Iask for people's prayers for both the year of preparation and mytime in office."

Gill Dascombe has been a local preacher since 1987, and was afinalist in The Times' Preacher of the Year competition. She hasbeen a member of and chaplain to the Methodist Council, and worksas a hospital pharmacist. She is a member of her local NHS TrustCouncil of Governors. 

Gill said: "I am so grateful to the Conference for thisopportunity. The current President and Vice-President will be atough act to follow, but I look forward to this chance toserve."

The role of President of the Conference is reserved forPresbyters, and Vice-President for lay people or Deacons. 


  1. A photo of the  Revd Ken Howcroft can be found here
  2. A photo of  Gill Dascombe can be found here