
The Methodist Conference votes to increase work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

29 June 2020

The Methodist Conference has voted to bolster and increase the work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion throughout the Connexion. Representatives voted in favour of several Notices of Motion which will ensure better scrutiny of the implementation of the Inclusive Methodist Church Strategy, better collection and analysis of appropriate EDI statistics and a transparent system for monitoring and reviewing stationing outcomes with regard to EDI concerns. They also voted to incorporate work already started to ensure people who are intersex or transgender are included in the life of the Church, into the Inclusive Church Strategy.

Representatives heard impassioned presentations in favour of the Notices of Motion with many talking about a need to ensure the EDI work is embedded in every area of Connexional life.

Anthony Boateng spoke to NoM 2020/105: Black Lives Matter (Additional resolution to report 22, Methodist Council, Part 2) and reminded representatives that when the Conference met in Wolverhampton in 2009, it enshrined in its Standing Orders the declaration that racism is a denial of the gospel, but that ‘in reality it is still widespread within the Methodist Connexion.’

The Notice included proposals that the Methodist Council seeks to build strategic anti-racist actions that call for the raising up of individuals especially those hurting from this issue and requesting the Council ensures that those working on the Inclusive Methodist Church strategy are supported by a diverse group of skilled and committed people with the relevant experience and understanding to develop the plans. It also called for recognition that the Connexional leadership of the church, the Chairs of District, lay workers and Superintendents, as well as its own members, do not sufficiently reflect the diversity which is present within the Connexion.

At Mr Boateng’s request, the Conference observed a period of silence to reflect on the topic.

Notices of Motion 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105 were all carried. They can be found here:

The Methodist Church’s work on EDI can be found here:

Statement on racism from the Secretary of the Conference:

The agenda and associated papers for the Conference can be found here: