Tickets now on sale for Methodist Children & Youth event – 3Generate
Bookings are now open for 3Generate 2016, the Children's andYouth Assembly of the Methodist Church.
This year's event will take place over the weekend 25-27November 2016 at PGL Liddington near Swindon. Last year, 3Generate2015 welcomed nearly 600 children and young people aged 8 to 23from all over the country.
This unique, action-packed and inspiring weekend for childrenand young people across the Methodist Church enables them to speakout on issues that matter to them, have their voice heard andcreate a Manifesto for themselves and the wider Church, to takeaction on. It is also a space to have fun with friends be with Godand talk about faith.
The weekend is shaped and designed by local groups of childrenand young people and this process is facilitated by children andyouth workers. Activities and accommodation are organised in threeseparate age groups - 8-11s (school years 4-6), 11-18s (schoolyears 7-13) and 18-23s. All age groups get the chance to take partin a variety of activities, different styles of worship, themed andissue based workshops, exploring topics raised by the children andyoung people.
During the weekend the young people elect their own YouthPresident to serve for a year and represent them to the widerMethodist Church and a team of youth reps who volunteer torepresent 3Generate ecumenically on the British Youth Council,Methodist Council, the Methodist Conference and to World MethodistConferences.
Craig Gaffney, Youth President 2015-2016, commented:"3Generate is a chance for young people to have their say on whatmatters to them and their Church and to express their views on keyissues. The event is full of fun but can tackle serious topics.Last year, children and young people wanted to discuss theirconcerns around war and climate change, while other groupsdiscussed issues around mental health, refugees and same sexmarriage. Children and Young people have a lot to offer the Churchand they have a desire to discuss and engage with a diverse rangeof topics and to engage not only each other but provoke aChurch-wide response.
Booking for 3Generate 2016 will be open from 11am on Friday10th June 2016 online here.
Tickets cost £110 for the whole weekend, including food,accommodation and activities. There will be a limited number of dayplaces (for Saturday 26th November) available for £55 each. Supportis available for children and young people with additional needs.Bookings should be made in the usual way with further relevantdetails emailed to
About the Methodist Church
The Methodist Church is one of the largest Christian churchesserving Great Britain, with nearly 200,000 members and regularcontact with more than 500,000 people. It has more than 4,500churches in Great Britain, and also maintains links with otherMethodist churches with a worldwide total membership of over 80million. Its activities, both alone and with ecumenical and secularpartners, are based on four aims known as Our Calling:
• To increase awareness of God's presence and tocelebrate God's love
• To help people to grow and learn as Christiansthrough mutual support and care
• To be a good neighbour to people in need and tochallenge injustice
• To make more followers of Jesus Christ.
Registered charity no. 1132208.