Whatever...! Church launches consultation on what young people want
The Methodist Church has launched a major consultation into whatyoung people and children want from the Church and how it canimprove its work in this area. The Future Present consultation willrun from the summer until November, and children, young people,parents, youth workers and even older people are invited tocontribute!
The Revd Jonathan Kerry, Co-ordinating Secretary for Worship andLearning, says, 'we currently work with 168,000 under-18s in churchgroups, and many more who are not part of groups. We need to makesure we are doing all we can for those young people, as well asthose we don't reach at the moment. In recent years there have beenmany changes affecting children's lives, which gives the Church thechallenge of how to adapt what we do.'
The consultation invites people to think about what the Church doesfor young people, but also why. 'It is all too easy to think thatadults know best,' says Jonathan, 'but this often isn't true. Wewant everyone have his or her say. Young people have a lot of ideasand energy, and we have to include that in what we do.'
Much of the Church's work with children and young people takesplace away from the traditional Sunday service. It ranges fromparent and toddler groups to working with young offenders, andincludes sports clubs, music groups and street pastors.
Copies of the consultation document are available from