Win a trip to Africa to report on trade for MAYC World Action
Methodist youth project MAYC World Action is running acompetition to give one talented young person (aged 18-25) theopportunity to travel to Africa to report on a trade issue.
The competition is part of the World Action for Trade Justicecampaign, which is calling for trade justice - not free trade -with the rules weighted to benefit poor people and the planet. Thewinner will visit Ghana this autumn to see for themselves theimpact of unfair trade rules.
To enter the competition, you need to write 500 words about atrade justice issue. World Action Development Worker Lizzie Jeansexplained: "It's essential that the writing is based on personalexperience. If you don't have any already, it doesn't mean youcan't enter. You've still got time to get some and it's an extraincentive to get involved in the Trade Justice Movement's '24 Hoursfor Trade Justice' on 27-28 June.
"You could write about anything from holding a Trade Justiceservice in your circuit, to taking part in the June 2002 TradeJustice 'Mass Lobby of Parliament'. If you've been overseas,describe how you felt as a tourist in a developing country. Itcould be a report on your meeting with your MP. but whatever youdecide to write about, your entry will be judged on the quality ofyour report, rather than the success of your action."
Shortlisted writers will be required to attend an interview onThursday 24 July. A winner will be selected in July and invited ona trip overseas sometime during September-November 2003. Dates areflexible to accommodate term times. The trip is expected to last aweek.
Check out the new
Terms and Conditions:
- To be eligible for entry you must bebetween 18 and 25 years old on 1 September 2003.
- Your report must be no longer than 500words and emailed to
WorldAction or posted to Lizzie Jeans, Methodist Church House,25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR to arrive no later than 11 July2003. Mark your envelope: Competition. - Entrants must include theirnationality (for visa information) and a phone number and/or emailaddress on which they can be contacted.
- Shortlisted candidates will berequired to attend an interview on Thursday 24 July at MethodistChurch House in London.
- Representatives of World Action andthe World Church Office will choose the winning article, and thedecision is final.
- Entrants must be available to travel 1September to 31 November and must have a validpassport.
- Entrants will be required to respectcertain security and behaviour guidelines while overseas. They willalso be required to have a medical assessment prior to departure toensure they are fit to travel.
- World Action will cover all expensesfor the trip, apart from the cost of transport to Londonairports.