
Methodist 'Fab Four' receive national award for dedication to tackling global issues

Yeovil 's Fabulous Four

Methodist fundraisers Dick and Monica Sinden and Alanand Pauline Grassam have been recognised by the international aidand development charity, Christian Aid, for their years ofdedicated fundraising. 

The faithful four, members of St Mark's and Vicarage StreetMethodist churches, have collected for Christian Aid Week for acombined total of over 140 years and were presented with Diamondawards by Christian Aid regional coordinator, Fiona Daborn, fortheir commitment to tackling global poverty and injustice.

The Diamond Awards were created by Christian Aid to recognisethe crucial part played by supporters as it prepares to mark 60years of its annual fundraising drive, Christian Aid Week, heldthis year from 14-20 May.


Dick and Monica said: "We've got so much ourselves and wewant to do something for those who don't have ouropportunities.  It was a total surprise to be recognised forthis! We've had a lot of fun along the way and made lots ofwonderful friends.  We look forward to many more yearssupporting Christian Aid."

Yeovil Christian Aid group treasurer, Les Jackson, who nominatedboth couples for the award, said: "They work together as agreat team that keeps our local Christian Aid Groupthriving.

"They have been doing it for donkeys years and never, ever,give up - they enthusiastically support the Christian Aidmission."

Fiona Daborn said: "Right now Christian Aid is tacklingpoverty in 39 countries around the world, including providingsupport to refugees and food and water to those on the brink ofstarvation across East Africa where the lives of 16 million peoplehang in the balance.

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is thanks to thededication and vision of supporters like Dick and Monica and Alanand Pauline that we are able to not only reach these people indesperate need but also challenge the causes of poverty and empowerpeople to lift themselves out of poverty at the same time.

"Our supporters' commitment changes lives and it is aprivilege to recognise Dick and Monica and Alan and Pauline'scontribution towards a world where people not only survive, but aregiven the opportunity to thrive."

Fiona presented the four with their 'Long-Standing Supporter'Diamond Award at the monthly Christian Aid lunch at Vicarage StreetMethodist Church on Friday May 5. 


You can help to change the lives of people trapped in povertyand affected by conflict and crisis this Christian Aid Week bydonating online at www.caweek.org calling 08080 006006, or texting 'GIVE' to 70040 to give £5.