
You are what you eat at Methodist Youth Conference 2006

The Methodist Youth Conference 2006 is heading to Norfolk fordebate, worship, entertainment, friendship and food: bothnutritional and spiritual. From 17-19 November, the Conference willbe at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church in Norwich.

The annual Youth Conference gives young people a chance to raisetheir ideas and concerns, share in worship and fellowship andsupport each other in their Christian lives. Any young Methodistfrom 13 is 25 is welcome to attend and for many, it's a chance tocatch up with old friends, make new ones and discuss passionatelyissues that affect them and the wider church.

Speaking on the theme of this year's Conference, outgoing YouthPresident Kevin Jones said; 'This year, we're reminding people that'You are what you eat'. It's more than a comment on our dietaryhabits Ð it's about thinking more seriously about how we arespiritually 'fed'. Jesus said; 'I am the bread of life' (John 6:35)and we hope that this year's Conference will be an opportunity foryoung people to be filled with God's spirit and be inspired to goout and make a difference in the world.'

This year, members will discuss plans for a month of prayer forinter faith relations in February next year and issues such as thefuture of the Youth Conference. Successful resolutions are thentaken to the annual Methodist Conference, the governing body of theChurch, for further debate and can have a real influence on thelife of the Church.

But it's not all business. There will be a formal banquet on theSaturday night with the President and Vice-President of theMethodist Conference. During the weekend, representatives can alsoattend a variety of workshops including creative worship, 'TheMysteries of the Rosary', and a discussion on theAnglican-Methodist Covenant led by Revd Graham James, the Bishop ofNorwich.

BBC Voices will be bringing the latest in green screen technologyto the Conference to capture representatives' thoughts about thebig issues of the day. The Norfolk Council for Voluntary YouthServices will use these to inspire debate among young people abouttheir needs and concerns and to benefit the community. BBC Voiceswill also be asking 'What makes you happy?' for next year's ComicRelief.

The Conference will end with the induction of the new MethodistYouth President for 2006-7, Rob Redpath. Rob said; 'We live inexciting times! The Methodist Church in Great Britain is startingto change, and for the better. My priority for the year will beexploring the concept of discipleship and the challenges that weface as disciples in the 21st Century. Youth Conference gives theyoung people of the Church a chance to have their say on whatreally matters. We're passionate about God, Society and the Churchand this is one way that we can make a difference.'

For those who want to join in, it's not too late to sign up; formore information, visit www.mayc.info/yourvoiceor call 0207 467 5207.