
Embracing Mental Wellness: Jesus' Teachings for World Mental Health Day

Tracey Collins, Wellbeing Officer of the South West Peninsula Methodist District, shares her thoughts on World Mental Health Day.

10 October 2024

World Mental Health Day is a great opportunity for us to explore the teachings of Jesus and the wisdom he shared about taking care of our mental health and wellbeing.

Jesus often talked about trusting in God's care and not to worry about the future. in Matthew 6:25-27, he reminds us not to worry about material concerns but to trust in God's provision. He emphasises self-compassion, encouraging us to love ourselves and others with kindness and grace.

Jesus also showed the importance of seeking support and community by surrounding himself with close friends who provided encouragement and companionship. Taking time for prayer and reflection, Jesus highlighted the value of mindfulness and spiritual awareness for mental clarity and emotional wellbeing.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus displayed compassion and empathy towards those in need, offering comfort and healing to the sick and distressed. By sharing his own vulnerabilities, he encouraged both honesty and openness as crucial elements of mental health.

It is also important to remember that it is okay to talk about our struggles and to reach out to someone we trust. In the Bible, it says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). God cares for us deeply and wants us to seek help and support when we are struggling.

As we mark World Mental Health Day, we can draw inspiration from Jesus' teachings by embracing trust, self-compassion, community support, mindfulness, vulnerability, and healing. By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can support our mental and emotional wellbeing, finding strength and comfort in our faith journeys.

We can all learn from Jesus by prioritising our mental health, seeking help when necessary, and creating a caring community that supports each other through both our challenges and successes.

So, on this World Mental Health Day, remember the importance of taking care of our mental health and wellbeing. Let us reach out to those who may be struggling and offer our support and love and most importantly, remember that we are not alone, God is always with us, ready to listen and comfort us in our times of need.