
Giving stars for Christmas

12 December 2023

1,400 stars have been crafted and given out to people on the new housing estate Cwrt St Ioan on Plasdwr by members of Radyr Methodist Church, near Cardiff, in the Wales Synod. There was as much enthusiasm by those making the stars as there was from those who received them. 

The weather was dry and suitably cold when a team from Radyr Methodist Church walked through the roads and closes to leave bags with a star and Christmas cards to those families living on the estate, and also the house sales staff, the builders who were working on the new houses and even local shops.  


Almost all the church members have been handmaking the stars since last September. Using paper, cardboard, wool, tissue, glitter and paint, each star is unique and thoughtfully made. 

The idea occurred to Revd Judith Holliman, Radyr Minister, when she was prayer walking in Cwrt St Ioan on Plasdwr. With her congregation, she has been pioneering in the new estate for the past four years, always with great success and warm responses from the inhabitants who enjoy the commitment and caring presence of the congregation. 

“As I prayed I just felt strongly that we should give a star to every house on the estate this Christmas.  
“I shared the idea with the evangelism group that grew out of the Everyone an Evangelist pilot project in Radyr. They started talking about it in church and the stars started coming in,” remembers Judith.  

200, 400, 600, the stars were from individuals, from groups such as the Art Community that meets on Wednesday afternoons and others. The Brownies made stars, the friendship group, the guides and the Bible Study groups, everyone wanted to participate.  

Radyr’s congregation bring welcome boxes to the new homeowners and offer weekly prayer walks to those who want to join. “We also collect regularly across the estate for the food bank, the response has been incredible. They are looking forward to our next outreach and so are we,” concludes Judith.