
Letter from Bethlehem

15 December 2022

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people”

Luke 2:8-20

How we all long for good news! As we journey to the manger and the end of another year, we are bombarded with news that is often not good; wars, conflict, refugee crises, changes of leadership, fuel cost hikes, strikes, the list goes on and many are afraid and fearful.  Here in Israel/Palestine we to are bombarded with news that is not good. . There are changes in leadership that will definitely have serious consequences for many communities. Palestinians continue to experience house demolitions, nightly raids, arrests, tear gas, lack of freedom, injuries and death with six Human Rights NGOs being closed down. This year, has seen the highest recorded deaths of civilians at the hands of the Israel Defence Forces. 

 In October the Methodist Liaison Office marked 10 years presence in the Holy Land.  We held two events to mark the anniversary, one at St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem, and the other at WI’AM Conflict Transformation Centre in Bethlehem which was organised for those without a permit and unable to travel to Jerusalem for the service.  All afternoon and into the early evening as we sat and shared hospitality, reflections and conversations, the IDF fired tear gas and stun grenades into the nearby Aida refugee camp.  It was so surreal to mark the anniversary, hearing and seeing the effects of tear gas, to be able to continue our gathering only because the wind was not blowing the gas in our direction.

 This year Israel and the West Bank have experienced their deadliest wave of violence affecting both communities since 2005. Recently innocent people waiting at a bus stop were killed or injured by the detonation of an explosive. Living in the Holy Land there has been a sense of unease and fear as we hear daily, not good news!

 During advent and leading up to Christmas I have been pondering on the words the angel spoke to the Shepherds, “do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people”.  Perhaps some of us need to hear those words again “Do not be afraid” fear as we know, steals our joy.  I wonder where and when do we hear good news that brings great joy in the midst of so much darkness, hopelessness and fear! So I have been reflecting…

 I have witnessed glimpses of the kingdom of God at the Tent of Nations with the Nassar family in their disappointment at their court case once again being adjourned. I have met many international volunteers there to support and encourage them. I have been inspired by their faith and commitment in the Lord as they battle injustices through lengthy frustrating legal systems, refusing to let go of hope.

 I shared a sense of relief and joy at the good news that Shadi Khoury a sixteen year old Christian, who was arrested in the middle of the night and severely beaten by the IDF and imprisoned, has been released and placed under house arrest. His family wrote of their joy that he was released at Advent and would been back home for Christmas even if under restrictions. They ask us to remember all children and their families in our prayers, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, who are in prison. Any good news brings a smile to our face and warms our heart.

 I have witnessed and experienced glimpses of the Kingdom of God wherever acts of kindness, care and love is shown. I have witnessed communities gather to remember the deceased and support those who mourn. Organisations that support widows, orphans, the disabled, youths and the vulnerable. I see signs of hope as communities prepare for Christmas, decking the streets and shops, welcoming strangers from around the world as they visit Bethlehem.  I experience joy at the lighting of the Christmas tree in Manger Square, the joy of seeing families walking down Star Street enjoying the Christmas market, the sounds of excited children, joy and laughter. The excitement of the countdown to celebrate the birth of Christ born of Mary, the Saviour of the world, in the face of conflict, stress and fear.  All the hotels are full but there is always room in Bethlehem any time of the year for visitors and locals through the generous spirit of hospitality offered by Palestinians.

 In the midst of daily bad news, may we have eyes, ears and hearts to witness good news that is shared daily by those around us. May we be always open to offer support, hospitality, care, kindness, making room for those who need to hear the good news “Do not be afraid” Emmanuel God is with us, and we here for each other.  We continue to pray for peace in the region and around the world for all communities to live in safety.  We rejoice: joy to the world the Lord has come.

 Merry Christmas from Bethlehem  

Angleena Keizer

Methodist Liaison Office, Jerusalem