
North Yorkshire Dales Circuit visit to Catterick Garrison

14 November 2022

A recent visit to army chaplaincy at the Infantry Training Centre, Catterick Garrison, was undertaken by colleagues from the North Yorkshire Dales Circuit. During the visit colleagues were able to put their questions about life in the army to the Commanding Officer, the Regimental Sergeant Major and army chaplains.

Colleagues found the visit to be instructive, commenting that it was good to hear about the life in the army as the garrison is a significant presence in the circuit. The chaplains welcomed the visit, noting that it was a great encouragment that the local church was taking a keen interest in what was happening.

After the visit Helle Sewell, Darlington District Evangelism and Community Engagement Enabler, commented, ‘We found it invigorating to be in a context that has so many young people – most of the army is under 30 years old. We heard from the chaplains about the opportunities and challenges of ministry in an initial training establishment. That provides rich content for us to reflect in the local church.’

If you are interested in learning more about forces chaplaincy do get in touch with the MFB’s Projects Officer, Phil Maltby, by emailing maltbyp@methodistchurch.org.uk