

10 November 2021

Deacon Ruth Yorke shares with us this introduction to to Time4Change 

Time4Change is an anti-racism initiative in Birmingham led by churches and Christian organisations. It started in response to the murder of George Floyd in June 2020 and now involves many more churches working together. Most recently, this led to a large event at a local football stadium, focusing on repentance, reconciliation and commitment to change.

Whilst it is tempting to write a lot about it, their own website tells the story of this important movement very clearly, and includes videos, resources for talks and services, and help taking 'the next step' for churches who want to confront their own racism, racism in society, and make changes.

Time4Change is primarily about that: change. Here is their website: https://www.time4change.uk/ and you can keep updated on instagram https://www.instagram.com/t4c.uk/

It is heartening to see the diversity of churches and church leaders who have committed to the Charter and who were involved in the event. It is becoming more ecumenical and their charter has been also signed by Birmingham's deputy lord mayor.

Those who went to the large event on 17th October from our circuit have said:

"So excited united with all the Churches, all denominations in Birmingham and will be filling St Andrews Birmingham City Football stadium with worship and praise. Time 4 change"

"What a moving experience......God bless the City of Birmingham"

"It was so powerful, painful at times but, the truth hurts doesn't it.....we must move forward"

"God certainly moved in Birmingham today."

"It was great. Long overdue... "

The initiative hasn't finished with this event, and the importance of it continues. In a real sense, this is a 'step on the journey', not an end-point. Meetings of Time4Change continue and the core team invite people from Birmingham Churches Together to meet with them on zoom to hear, listen and contribute ideas. The team and others joining them are currently looking at 'next steps', including working with Churches Together across the city.

We do encourage you to spend some time on the website and consider whether Time4Change could be used in your context - sadly racism is everywhere, and as a church committed to Justice, Dignity, and Solidarity, the Methodist Church could help areas around the country engage with this.

Deacon Ruth Yorke