
How can I send a message to the Conference?

You can send a message to the Methodist Conference by getting your Circuit or District to send a 'memorial'. It might seem an odd word to use, but it is a simple and effective way to ask the Conference to do something.

What is a memorial?

A memorial is simply a request from a Circuit or District to the Conference. It asks the Conference to take an action, or change a policy, or make a statement on an issue. You can see examples in the 2019 Memorials booklet.

Why 'memorial'?

A memorial highlights facts in the collective memory of the Methodist Church or seeks to add new facts to it. In the light of these facts it asks the Conference to act.

What subjects can they be on?

  • Memorials can be on any subject of connexional interest
  • They must ask the Conference to do something specific
  • The action must be something the Conference has the power to do if it decides to accept the suggestion. In other words, it must be within the competence or control of the Conference
  • This includes action on behalf of the Connexion in relation to public authorities, for example, writing to the government

Is there anything they shouldn't do?

  • They cannot just express an opinion, or disagree with the Church's current position on an issue without suggesting an alternative
  • They should not contain confidential information, for example about complaints and discipline proceedings
  • They should not just be about a specific local situation, but should reflect a concern which has wider implications

What does the Conference do with them?

The Conference has to reply to each memorial it receives.

A Committee of the Conference discusses the matter and drafts a reply, which it proposes to the Conference. The Conference then votes whether to accept or amend the reply. The agreed reply is then sent to the Circuit or District that sent the memorial.

Any tips?

Memorials will receive better replies:

  • When it is clear exactly what they are asking the Conference to do
  • When the facts behind the memorial have been checked for accuracy - for example, have you checked your suggestion isn't already being done or whether work is underway? Have a look at the relevant sections of this website
  • When they are submitted in plenty of time so the reply can be properly researched

Thinking about writing a memorial?

Here's how to get your message sent to the Conference

Are you a Circuit Superintendent who has received a memorial?

Information on what to do next

Are you a Synod Secretary who has received a memorial?

Information on what to do next

Need further advice or information?

Contact the Memorials Secretary, who is very happy to help:

Memorials Secretary
E-mail: memorials@methodistchurch.org.uk