What to do if someone from your Circuit wants to submit a memorial
Step 1 - Be aware of the deadline
You should be given the proposed memorial 7 days before the Circuit Meeting.
Make sure the memorial is considered at a Circuit Meeting before the deadline for memorials. Your spring Circuit Meeting may be too late!
The deadline is 31 March prior to the Conference. So, for consideration at the 2024 Conference, the deadline for receipt by the Memorials Secretary is 31 March 2024.
Step 2 - The Circuit Meeting considers and votes on the memorial.
If the majority of those present and voting are in favour, then the memorial can go forward to be put on the Conference agenda.
Don't forget to record how many people were present and entitled to vote, how many were in favour, and how many were against the proposal.
Step 3 - Send the memorial to the Conference Memorials Secretary.
Don't forget that it must arrive by 31 March. A copy should also be sent to your Synod Secretary for information.
Memorials can be submitted by email or post, though it is normally more convenient for all concerned if they can be submitted by email. This also allows immediate confirmation that your memorial has been received.
If possible, please use the form below. This will ensure that you include all the information required. If using a separate document then please check that you have included:
The name and number of the Circuit
Contact details. The Circuit Superintendent does not need to sign an electronic version if it is received directly from them
Voting figures: i.e. how many people were present and entitled to vote, how many were in favour and how many were against
The text of the memorial
Any background or supporting statement that the Circuit wishes to send. This won't be printed in the Conference Agenda, but it may help the Memorials Committee in drafting their reply.