
Anyone can put their idea for a memorial to a Circuit Meeting or District Synod. If the Circuit Meeting or District Synod agrees with it, then it will go forward to the Methodist Conference. If you have an idea for a memorial, download a Memorial template form then follow these steps to get it onto the agenda of the Conference.

Step 1

Write your idea down.

Memorials can be on any subject of connexional interest. They should be addressed to the Conference, for example:

The Anywhere Circuit Meeting draws the Conference's attention to X and asks the Conference to take the following action...

You may need to carry out some further research at this stage, for example, to check if the Methodist Church has already made a statement on the relevant issue, or to find some information to support your argument.

If you are not sure how best to word your memorial to achieve your intention, then the Memorials Secretary is always very happy to advise on the wording of memorials. Please email your draft memorial to memorials@methodistchurch.org.uk.

If you choose, you can include some additional background information to accompany the memorial to inform those who will be voting on the memorial.

It is very helpful to your Superintendent or Synod Secretary if you write down your memorial onto the form found at the bottom of this page. You can leave all the introductory questions blank - just use the 'Text of memorial' and, if relevant, the 'Background or supporting statement' sections.

Step 2

Decide whether you want to put your idea for a memorial to your Circuit or your District.

The Methodist Conference does not treat memorials from Circuits or Districts any differently. You should make sure there is a Circuit Meeting or a District Synod that can consider your idea for a memorial before the deadline. There are different deadlines for circuit and district memorials.

Remember, a memorial can only be accepted if the majority of members of a Circuit Meeting or District Synod have voted in favour of it. They cannot be accepted directly from individuals or churches.

Step 3 - Circuit

Make sure there will be a Circuit Meeting taking place before the deadline.

The deadline is 31 March prior to the Conference. So for consideration at the 2024 Conference, the deadline for receipt by the Memorials Secretary is 31 March 2024.

Step 3 - District

Make sure there will be a District Synod taking place before the deadline.

The deadline is Wednesday following the second Saturday in the May prior to the Conference. So for consideration at the 2024 Conference, the deadline for receipt by the memorials secretary is 15 May 2024

Step 4 - Circuit

Give your proposed memorial to your Circuit Superintendent seven days before the Circuit Meeting.

Step 4 - District

Give your proposed memorial to your Synod Secretary with as much notice as possible before the Synod meeting. Districts may have local rules about how much notice the Synod Secretary requires for Synod business.

Step 5 - Circuit

The Circuit Meeting considers and votes on the proposed memorial.

If the majority of those voting are in favour, then the memorial can go forward to be put on the Conference agenda.

Step 5 - District

The Synod considers and votes on the proposed memorial.

If the majority of those voting are in favour, then the memorial can go forward to be put on the Conference agenda.

Step 6 - Circuit

The Superintendent sends the memorial to the Memorials Secretary.

Step 6 - District

The Synod Secretary sends the memorial to the Memorials Secretary.

What happens next?

A Committee of the Conference (the Memorials Committee) discusses the matter and drafts a reply which it proposes to the Conference.

The recommended reply will be published as part of the Conference Agenda. This is normally available at the beginning of June and will be available in the Programme pages of this website.

If you are unhappy with the recommended reply, you can contact your representatives to the Conference to see if they would be happy to bring an amendment to the Conference. This is known as a Notice of Motion. Your Synod Secretary will be able to tell you who is going to the Conference from your District.

The Conference will agree a reply - either as proposed by the Memorials Committee, or an amended reply - and a copy will be sent to your Circuit Superintendent or Synod Secretary after the Conference.