
New President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference elected for 2025-26

The Methodist Conference has elected the Revd Richard Andrew to serve as President and Matthew Forsyth to serve as Vice-President, starting their year of office when the Representative Session of the Methodist Conference in Telford in June 2025.

Richard Andrew

The Revd Richard Andrew is currently chair of the Darlington District. Growing up in rural North Yorkshire, he studied philosophy and theology in London before moving to work in industry in the South-East and Yorkshire.

He trained at Wesley House before joining a circuit in Sheffield, training ministers and teaching theology in a university setting as Director of York Institute and working in the Connexional Team as Director of Learning and Development.

He has a deep passion for the renewal and refreshing of the Methodist Church and the rediscovery of its DNA as a growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking church.

The Revd Richard Andrew says, “I am humbled and excited by the nomination of the Conference. I have always believed that it is essential that we live by hope and I am really encouraged by everything we are doing together as a Church as we join together with God as we seek to be a growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking Church.

"God is bringing something new to birth amongst us and I pray we might be open to the leading of the Spirit as we recognise that and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.”

Matt Forsyth 2

Matt Forsyth is a local preacher and steward.

He is currently the Mission Team Leader in the Northampton Methodist District, involved in New Place for New People (NPNP), Justice, Dignity and Solidarity (JDS) and Action for Hope projects.

Matt is a member of the Missions Committee and serves on the NPNP guiding team.

Matt Forsyth says, “I am humbled to serve the church in this role. I am deeply aware of the responsibility to represent the voice of the lay leaders across the Connexion.

"I hope to listen well and work in partnership with the President Designate so that together we can encourage the church to continue its journey on becoming an inclusive, justice seeking and evangelistic church.”