Methodist Council papers 13-14 October 2008
13 October 2008
MC0887: Special provision for Wesley College, Bristol
MC0888: Matters arising from April 2008 Council
MC0889: Proposed Changes to Team Leadership Job Titles
MC0890: Roehampton University and Southlands College
MC0891: Updating the guidelines for implementing Speaking for the Methodist Church
MC0892: Taking forward the Stationing Review Group's report
MC0892A: Discussion streams for taking forward the Stationing Review Group's report
MC0893: Work Priorities for the Connexional Team 2008-09
MC0894: Methodist Heritage: The Way Forward
MC0894 Appendix 1: Methodist Heritage and Contemporary Mission
MC0894 Appendix 2: Chair of the Methodist Heritage Committee
MC0896: Developing a communications strategy for the Connexional Team
MC0897: Implementing the future of Methodist Publishing
MC08100: Climate Change and the Methodist Church Environmental Policy
MC08101: Financial Market Turmoil and its Impact on the Methodist Church
Minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee May 2008
Minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee July 2008
Minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee September 2008