
Methodist Council papers 15-16 October 2007

Council Agenda

Minutes of May 07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Minutes of September 07 Strategy and Resources Committee

MC0775: Outline Council Agendas for 2007/08

MC0776: Relief & Development Working Group Report

MC0777: Connexional fresh expressions scheme

MC0778A: Towards the circuit as the basic unit of Methodism in Charity Law

MC0778B: Charity Law Reform - progress report

MC0779: Interim report from the Stationing Review Group

MC0781: Revised arrangements for the heritage of the Methodist Church

MC0782: Report of the Appointments Panel on the nomination of the Secretary of Conference and General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Great Britain for 2008 (Withdrawn pending further revision)

MC0783: Review of the 1993 Resolutions on Human Sexuality - working party report

MC0784: Ministers, presbyters and deacons:signalling vocation, clarifying identity

MC0785: Revision of the Environmental Policy of the Methodist Church

MC0786: Methodist Council appointments - October 2007

MC0787: Consultation with World Church partners

MC0789: Review of ecumenical relations

MC0790: Proposal for a working group on human embryology and early human life

MC0791: Membership of Churches Together in England

MC0792: Resignation of auditors 

MC0793: Staff Exceptions in the Team Focus process

MC0794: Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme

MC0795: Pension and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees of the Methodist Church

MC0796: Diversity in presbyteral ministry

MC0797: Report from the trustees of the connexional manses 2006/07

MC0798: Appointment of mission partners

MC0799: Audit Committee appointments 

MC07100: Methodist Council Reference Groups

MC07101: District development enabler - Plymouth and Exeter

MC07102: Relationships between employing bodies within the Methodist Church

MC07103: Arranging the Methodist Conference

MC07104: Flexible retirement - lay employees of the Methodist Church 

MC07105: Implementing the Complaints and Discipline Review Group's recommendations

MC07106: Use of Fund for World Mission Money

MC07107: Wesley College Bristol

MC07108: Remit and membership of the Training Strategy and Resources Executive

MC07109: Model Trust 20 Request