30 March 2007
Team Focus Papers
MC0733: Grant-making rules: compliance with auditing and Charity Commission requirements
MC0734: The Methodist Council consolidated accounts
MC0735: Report of the Review Group on the role of the General Secretary of the Methodist Church
MC0736: Methodist Council reference group on leadership
MC0738: Guidlines for churches dealing with extremist political parties
MC0740: Caring for creation in the face of climate change
MC0741: Proposed Hymn Book supplement
MC0742: Training Institutions Review Group
MC0743: Connexional Team Budget - 2007/2008
MC0743: Connexional Team Budget 2007/2008 cont.. spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel file)
MC0744: Responses to the 'What Sort of Bishops?'
MC0746: Towards the Methodist Church of the Gambia autonomy update
MC0748: Development of the Methodist Church in Wales
MC0749: Guidelines for constructive corporate engagement related to Israel/Palestine
MC0750: Appointment of Mission Partners
MC0751: Employment Protections for Presbyters and Deacons and a Handbook for Presbyters and Deacons
MC0752: Creating Safer Space - A Connexional safeguarding training framework
MC0753: Archives and History Committee
MC0755: Secretary of the Faith and Order Committee
MC0757: Connexional Audit Committee
MC0758: Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates - timescale for appeals
MC0759: Connexional Trustees for Connexional Offices Manchester
MC0760: One Connexion: Many Nations and Jurisdictions
MC0761: Interim report of the Stationing Review Group
MC0762: Pensions and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees
MC0765: MRDF Working group report
MC0767: Grievance procedures for Ministers and Deacons
MC0769: Model Trust monies and General monies