Methodist Council papers 6-7 February 2008
06 February 2008
Minutes of October 2007 Council
MC0801: Equalities and diversity report
MC0802: Diversity, equality and Methodist identity
MC0804: Governance arrangements for finance in the reconfigured Team
MC0804 Diagram 1: Reconfigured Team with unchanged finance and other governance arrangements
MC0804 Diagram 2: Proposed finance and other governance arrangements
MC0805: Connexional Team report
MC0806: The future of Women's Network
MC0807: Connexional Leadership Team review
MC0808: Review of the title 'District Chair'
MC0810: The Fresh Expressions initiative beyond 2009
MC0811: Review of ecumenical relationships working group
MC0812: World church partners consultation
MC0813: Revised arrangements for the heritage of the Methodist Church
MC0814: Senior leadership in the Methodist Church
MC0815: Archives and history committee report
MC0816: NCH trustee nomination
MC0817: Appointments to the Strategy and Resources committee
MC0818: The Revd Dr Christopher Blake
MC0819: Property consents management system - pilot exercise
MC0820: Appointment of mission partners
MC0821: Training Assessment Designated Fund - balance and use
MC0821A: Making use of the Designated Training Assessment Fund
Tabled papers
MC0822: Report from the Methodist Council Reference Group on Complaints and Discipline
MC0824: Co-option of members of Ministerial and Diaconal Candidates Selection Committees