
Methodist Council papers 9-11 April 2011


MC1121 Matters Arising

MC1121A Team Focus Evaluation

MC1123 Youth Presidency Review

MC1124 Epworth Press

MC1125 Retirement Policy and Procedure

MC1126 Pension and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees

MC1127 Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme

MC1128 Audit Committee Report

MC1129 Budget

MC1132 Connexional Grants Committee Report 2009-10

MC1133 Heritage Report

MC1134 SRC Reflections on Methodist Heritage Committee Funding Plan

MC1135 Missing Generation Report

MC1136 Resourcing Mission Office - The Way Forward

MC1137 Resourcing Mission Office Review 2011

MC1138 Buildings Group

MC1139 Statistics for Mission

MC1140 Fresh Ways of Working Group

MC1142 Ministers with ill health

MC1143 Review of Terms of Reference of the Medical Committee

MC1144 Review of arrangements for Mission Partners

MC1145 CPF Levy

MC1146 Connexional Allowances Committee

MC1147 Selection Criteria for Candidates for Presbyterial and Diaconal Ministry

MC1148 The Big Society

MC1149 Poverty and Inequality

MC1150 Ministries Committee

MC1150A Fruitful Field

MC1151 Ministerial Development Review

MC1152 Title of District Chairs

MC1153 Titles of Connexional Team Secretaries

MC1158 Joint Council Follow-Up

MC1159 Rep at URC Mission Council

MC1160 Protection of Vulnerable Groups

MC1161 Faith and Order

MC1162 Biblefresh

MC1163 Music Resources Group - Singing the Faith

MC1165 Justice for Palestine and Israel

MC1166 CGC Governance Scrutiny Group

MC1167 Methodist Art Collection Trustees

MC1169 Extension of the appointment of the Rural Officer

MC1170 Nominations and Appointments

MC1171 Central Buildings, Manchester

MC1172 Connexional Manse Trustees' Report

MC1173 Youth Participation Strategy Interim Report

MC1174 Leys and St Faith's School Foundation

MC1175 Trustees for Methodist International Centre

MC1177 Oversight Tutors

MC1178 Consolidation of Funds

MC1179 Methodist Council Accounts 2010 (draft)

You can download the above papers in a  Zip file here 

Late papers:

MC1130 Wesley College, Bristol

MC1154 Modified Circuit Constitutions

MC1155 Ecumenical grants

MC1156 Secretary of the Methodist Conference and General Secretary of the Methodist Church

MC1164 MDO Warden

MC1168 SRC Chair

MC1170 Diaconal Seats Rota for Conference 2012 (addition)

MC1180 Constitutions for United Areas 

MC1182 Safeguarding Advisory Panel

MC1183 William Leech

MC1184 Pension nominations revised

MC1185 Special Resolutions