
Anna Malnutt


Anna Malnutt is a Community Development Coordinator in Rochdale, and has worked within churches and the charitable sector over the last 10 years working to connect communities, bring people together, and provide opportunities for those who may be otherwise unable to access them.

Anna found her way into the structures of Methodism through 3Generate (as well as finding her husband there!) and is passionate about enabling children, young people and young adults to have a voice within the church that is genuinely heard and listened to; as well as enabling them to help shape the church into something they are proud to be part of.

Anna holds firmly to the belief that God isn’t finished with the Methodist Church, and is excited about being a part of its future.

Bev Hollings

bev hollings

The Revd Bev Hollings B.A. B.Ed.

After 15 years teaching Mathematics in various secondary schools in Sheffield, Bev completed pre-ordination training at Wesley College, Bristol.

She has served in the Newquay, Perranporth and St Agnes Circuit in Cornwall, as Leeds District Evangelism Enabler, as Superintendent of the Barnard Castle and Teesdale Circuit, and is currently Superintendent of the Castle Eden Circuit in addition to being Deputy Chair of the Darlington District.

She has a developing interest in Ignatian Spirituality and takes time out walking on the local beaches.

Dawn Wood


Dawn is a lifelong Methodist, starting out from a Cornish Chapel, and experiencing membership in the largest and smallest congregations along the way.

As Director of Development of the charity Minstead Trust, Dawn exercises responsibility for developing sustainable future operations, in response to the needs of people with learning disabilities.

Prior to joining Minstead Trust Dawn was a charity consultant, supporting national charities to develop good governance, create "living" strategic plans and implementing them with effective outcome monitoring and evaluation programmes. Dawn’s early career was in

marketing: holding positions as a Buyer for The Boots Company and Marketing Manager for Ty-Phoo Teabags.

Dawn is married to Andrew and lives in Hertfordshire.

Nick Oborski


Nick is currently Superintendent of the Hampshire Surrey Borders Circuit. He has sat on a number of significant Methodist Committees and is current a member of the National Safeguarding Committee.

Prior to becoming a Minister he worked in Finance and brings a wealth of experience in relation to Audit and Change Management processes.

In his spare time Nick is passionate about Wolverhampton Wanders, Dr Who and building Lego with his grandchildren.

Tim Swindell


Tim is a Methodist Presbyter and Chartered Accountant. His professional life has been in senior roles in the insurance industry, education, hospitality, and charity finance.

He spent 8 years as the Connexional Treasurer of the Methodist Church in Britain and continues to hold Board and Trustee positions in several businesses and charities, including the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church. He is a Supernumerary Minister in the Herts and Essex Borders Circuit

He is married with two adult boys, enjoys ultramarathon walking challenges, scuba diving and good food with friends.

Helen Cameron


The Revd Canon Helen Cameron is a Methodist presbyter currently serving as President of the Methodist Conference 2024-5.

She is a former Chair of District, Assistant Secretary of the Conference and Director of Methodist Formation at the Queens Foundation, Birmingham. She is a President of Churches Together in England and Moderator of the Free Churches Group.

Gill Newton


Gill currently serves as the Chair of the Sheffield Methodist District, having previously served in the Barnsley and Bramhall & Wythenshawe Circuits.

She currently chairs the Ministries Committee and has previously chaired the Chairs’ Meeting and the Ministerial Candidates’ and Probationers’ Oversight Committee (MCPOC).

She was President of the Methodist Conference in 2023/4 and is married to Revd Leslie Newton, Chair of the Yorkshire North and East district

David Goodall


The Revd David Goodall is a Presbyter who has been in full-time ministry for 20 years.

He is currently serving in the Yorkshire West Methodist District as the District Mission Enabler where he leads on discipleship development including embedding A Methodist Way of Life across the District, New Places for New People communities and pioneering, Church and Circuit Mission Planning, Climate Change and the monitoring of the District Strategy.

David is passionate about the Methodist Church discovering the next chapters of it’s story with God in a new way as it lives out it’s calling to respond to the gospel of God’s love in worship and mission.

David brings to the Connexional Council experience of the Methodist Conference, other committees within and beyond the church, ordained ministry in a number of contexts, an understanding of strategy, church leadership, governance, CPD (!) and how to build Lego. Above all he brings to the Council his commitment to God and sharing God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.

Keith Hickey


Prior to retirement, Keith spent 18 years with British Gas, leaving them as Director of Finance and Planning in the Power Generation Business Unit. He then spent 18 years in the Charity Sector where his roles included Group Director, Resources of RNIB, Finance Director of Help the Aged and Chief Executive of the Charity Finance Group.

Keith has served on a number of committees in the Charity Sector, including being a member of the Charity SORP committee for 11 years and the ICAEW Charities Technical Committee for 10 years. He has contributed to a number of publications on Charity pensions and investments and edited a book on the Role of the Charity Finance Director.

Keith is married with two daughters and enjoys walking and watching rugby; he is a member of Orpington Methodist Church, where he has been a Church Steward and Treasurer. He has been a Trustee and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of Methodist Homes since 2019. He was a Trustee of Livability between 2008 and 2019 and their Treasurer between 2015 and 2019.

Sonia Hicks


The Revd Sonia Hicks, who comes from a long line of Methodists as far back as her great-grandfather who was a Local Preacher in Jamaica, has served as a Circuit Superintendent in three connexions: Britain, the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and Americas and the Methodist Church in Ireland (MCI).

She served as President of the Methodist Conference 2021-22, and is currently chair of the Northampton District.

Carolyn Godfrey


Carolyn is currently serving as President of the Methodist Conference 2024-5. She is the District Safeguarding Officer covering both the Darlington and Newcastle Districts and a local preacher. She has a background in pastoral care and child protection within the education system helping to support children with additional needs and families facing complex issues.  Carolyn has a Master of Education degree which focused on social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Carolyn grew up in rural South Lincolnshire, is married to a Methodist presbyter and has lived in several circuits and districts around the Connexion.  To unwind she likes to be creative, especially with crochet.  She loves to spend time with her husband, her two grown up daughters and her grandson.

Jonathan Hustler


Jonathan Hustler was born and brought up in Norwich. His parents were Methodist and he was involved in the life of the church from an early age. During his first year reading History at Durham University, he heard a call to presbyteral ministry. He was trained at Wesley House Cambridge.

Before his first circuit appointment, Jonathan spent a year in Rome, studying at the Gregorian University. He then served in circuit appointments in Buckinghamshire, Teesside and Lincolnshire before returning to Wesley House as Vice-Principal in 2011.

In 2014, Jonathan joined the Connexional Team as Ministerial Coordinator for Oversight of Ordained Ministries. He was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Conference in 2017 and Secretary in 2019.

Jonathan is married to Lesley and has two adult children.

Paul Spray


Paul Spray is a local preacher in the Oxford Circuit, and Representative Synod Secretary for the Northampton District.

His background is in international development - he has worked for Christian Aid, Traidcraft, the Catholic Institute for International Relations, and the government Dept for International Development.

Richard Byass

Richard entered circuit ministry in 2004 in Cheshire, and subsequently served in North Hertfordshire and is now stationed as a Superintendent in Nottingham. He completed an MTh in Ministry Studies at the University of Aberdeen in 2022.

He brings over 20 years of experience in local churches, and is engaged in work with national candidating and discernment processes.

He remains committed to emphasising hospitality, justice and well-being in church life as well as seeking to enable people to grow together as faithful disciples, individually and in communities.

Sarah Parkin

Sarah has been part of the Methodist church since her infancy and is currently a Presbyter in the Bramhall & Wythenshawe Circuit; she is also part of two New Places for New People Communities.

Sarah enjoys nurturing others in their faith-development and encouraging and facilitating people and congregations to explore their gifts and calling.

Before candidating for ministry Sarah worked in the public and charitable sectors with a particular focus on a range of public policy issues.

In her spare time, Sarah enjoys cooking, reading and going to the theatre (when opportunity allows!)

Information on the following members will be coming soon.

Joanne Cox-Darling

Alethea Siow

Michael Long

David Matthews