All our Funds
A little bit about all the connexional funds:
1. Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons. This fund exists to provide additional assistance to supernumeraries; individuals who have been permitted or directed to become supernumerary; presbyters, deacons, probationers, widows or widowers and their dependent children who are in need; presbyters and deacons who are in need as a result of illness or impairment, for the purpose of enabling them to continue in or resume active work. The Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons also makes grants to the Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society.
2. The Mission in Britain Fund (MiBF) supports, largely, New Places for New People projects through allocation of funding to districts and circuits. You can find inspirational stories here.
3. The Fund for Property. This fund exists to provide support to trustees of Methodist properties in the Districts in relation to property matters.
4. The Fund for Training. The fund has three main purposes: (a) to provide initial and further training for presbyters, deacons, lay employees and other lay persons; (b) the provision of maintenance grants for persons undergoing such training and their dependants; (c) the maintenance, management and staffing of the Learning Network, and the Methodist contribution to the cost of joint theological colleges.
5. The World Mission Fund (WMF) is a joint fund of the Methodist Church in Britain and the Methodist Church in Ireland. It supports the development of Methodist Church in Britain’s relationships with its global Partners, as well as supporting those projects and individuals around the world which are currently administered through Global Relationships. This includes programmes such as Mission Partners; the Fund for Mission in Europe; Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel; Solidarity Grants, Capacity Building, and Mission Initiative Grants; Encounter Worldwide, Encounter Together, Specialist Skills and Global Mission Fellows. You can find stories about the of the fund here.
6. The Methodist Medical Benevolent Fund (MMBF). The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to ministers suffering from stress and exhaustion to enable them to pay for appropriate recuperative treatment to facilitate recovery. This fund also helps ministers to pay for initial medical consultation, if it is not immediately available through the NHS, to facilitate speedy diagnosis and periodic health screening.