
Deacon Gail Morgan: Living By A Rule of Life


As deacons ‘we follow this Rule of Life to deepen our fellowship and bind us together as a dispersed community, that we may continue to become the people God wants us to be, both individually and as an Order.’

What does the Rule of Life mean to me?

I am passionate about being a deacon living each day through trusting in God who enables me to minister amongst the people whom I serve.

I see the Rule of Life as a gift and is the foundation of how I live my life.

Every day in ministry brings its own blessings and regrets. Some days are calm, other days chaotic, some days are full of being able to see God at work in amazing ways, others bring challenges, and no two days are the same. I believe through living the rule of life it enables, empowers, deepens and moulds me to be the person whom God wants.

The rule of life means living in a rhythm of prayer, work, rest, study and recreation. Each part being as important as the other. It is out of my prayer life that I am able to work and serve others. Equally reading the bible enables me to theologically reflect on all strands of my appointment, reading and studying different books broadens my knowledge, but unless I rest and take care of myself physically and emotionally I am not able to do anything properly.

It is a commitment I made willingly from the moment I began being in the diaconal order and is part of what it means to be in a covenant relationship with my sisters and brothers.

Being part of a religious order we watch over one another in love, this means being mutually accountable to each other. I find this is immensely comforting that we are part of such a community. The longer I travel as a deacon the more I know it is through living the rule of life that I am continually being changed and transformed through a relationship with God that is deepening and life giving. Every morning when I say those words ‘Eternal God, you are the source of all life’ it’s the beginning of a new day with God as my guide.