

Help and guidance to live out creation care in our everyday lives.

We aim to encourage and resource Methodists to reduce their carbon footprint and equip advocates for creation care and climate justice.



As Christians, we want all of God’s created kingdom not just to survive but to flourish.

As Christians, we believe that God doesn’t just promise life, but life in all its fullness. We want all of God’s created kingdom not just to survive but to flourish. 

God created not just humans, but every animal and plant. It’s only by recognising that we are part of creation and caring for the world around us that all creation can flourish.

Read more about how we Flourish as part of A Methodist Way of Life

Calculate your personal carbon footprint

Climate Stewards designed an easy to use carbon footprint calculator. Assess your carbon footprint, reduce and offset if necessary.


Other environmental resources and campaigns

Earth Day

This year Earth Day is on 22 April. Find out more and register here.

Creation Time

Churches and Christians are encouraged to celebrate the Time for Creation together between 1 September – 4 October (the Feast of St Francis) each year. More information and resources are here.


The resources below have  been collated to provide information on the issue of shale gas extraction or 'fracking' as it is commonly known.

In 2016, a Methodist Conference motion requested the Methodist Council to give consideration to the issue of fracking and the following briefing is to be considered by the Methodist Council in January 2017 Fracking - Proposed response to Notice of Motion 2016/207

Reports and resources

Pray and Fast for the Climate

Pray and Fast for the Climate is a movement of Christians in the UK praying and fasting on the 1st of each month for a meaningful and just global climate agreement at the UN climate talks.

The initiative is supported by members of the 'Faith for the Climate' network, including: A Rocha UK, The Baptist Union, Christian Aid, Christian Concern for One World, Climate Stewards, Commitment for Life, Hope for the Future, Operation Noah, Our Voices, SPEAK, Tearfund, The Church of England and its Shrinking the Footprint Programme, The Methodist Church, and The United Reformed Church.