
June Eco Tip

Join #30DaysWild

One of A Rocha UK’s firm beliefs is that we are more likely to nurture and defend God’s creation if we spend time enjoying it. The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild challenge is a great opportunity to engage with nature as an individual, household, or with your church community throughout June.

Rewilding is a transformative approach to conservation that encourages the restoration of natural processes and wildlife in domestic spaces. It’s about creating a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature right in our backyards. By doing so, households can provide crucial habitats for pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which are essential for a healthy ecosystem.

Moreover, rewilding can involve the installation of bird feeders and bat boxes, which not only aid in species conservation but also bring the joy of wildlife observation to one’s doorstep. Water features, like ponds, can attract amphibians and provide a water source for birds and mammals. Composting organic waste is another aspect of rewilding that enriches soil health and reduces landfill waste.

Rewilding also has a social dimension, fostering community engagement and education. It can inspire neighbours to adopt similar practices, creating green corridors for wildlife across urban areas. This collective effort can significantly impact urban biodiversity and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

In essence, rewilding at home is about coexisting with nature and allowing it to thrive. It’s a commitment to stepping back and letting nature take the lead, resulting in a richer, more resilient local environment. It’s a small but powerful way to contribute to the planet’s health and enjoy the benefits of a wilder, more natural home setting.

Here are some tips for rewilding your household space:

Start Small: Begin by planting a single native plant or tree.

Evaluate Your Space: Understand the conditions of your space, such as soil type and sunlight, to choose the right plants and features for rewilding.

Connect with Experts: Reach out to local nurseries or conservation groups to get advice on native species and rewilding practices.

Create Habitats: Install bird feeders, bat boxes and insect hotels to provide shelter and food for various species.

Add Water Features: A pond or birdbath can attract amphibians and provide a water source for birds and mammals.

Embrace Organic Practices: Avoid pesticides and herbicides. Let nature balance itself and thrive without chemical interference.

Leave Wild Areas: Allow certain parts of your garden to grow untamed, providing natural habitats for wildlife.

Compost: Composting organic waste enriches the soil and reduces landfill waste, benefiting the entire ecosystem.

Encourage Community Efforts: Share your rewilding journey with neighbours and inspire them to join in creating green corridors for wildlife.

By implementing these tips, you can transform your household into a haven for biodiversity and contribute to the larger environmental movement of rewilding.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”

God, we thank you for the incredible splendour of nature represented in Ecuador, a small nation, yet one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet – from the treasures yet undiscovered by humans but created by you in the Amazon Rainforest, to the visibly majestic volcanoes high in the Andes Mountains, sweeping past waterfalls on the twisting road to the Pacific Ocean and heading out to the Galapagos Islands. Help us, the Church, individuals, businesses, corporations and governments to seek these ‘hidden treasures’, not simply as riches to exploit, but as the life-giving wellspring of this planet of which you have made us stewards, and to discover you in them, seeing them as examples of your handiwork, creativity and love. Amen.