
We care for ourselves and those around us

It's all about love. Love for God, other people and yourself is what matters most.

"Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:28-31, NRSVUE)

Jesus made it clear: his followers should love their neighbour as themselves. Loving each other is at the centre of our spiritual journey. And how we love ourselves and each other reflects the way we believe Jesus loves us.

Take care of yourself, rest when you are tired, enjoy the things you like doing, get a good balance of work and leisure. This will help you to care for other people.

“As a street pastor, I often spend Saturday nights walking the streets of my city listening to, helping and caring for the people I meet. I feel like this is an important part of being a follower of Jesus, in the way that I’m able to share God’s love with the people I meet.”



Pause for thought

What would you tell your childhood self about caring for yourself?

Interested in having conversations like this with your friends, neighbours and community? Buy Conversations Against Mundanity now.

Simple things to try

  1. Practise listening to someone else for 10 mins without offering advice, telling your own story or trying to make them feel better.
  2. If you are tired right now, take a screen break. Make yourself a hot drink or go outside for five minutes.
  3. Look for people who are being left out of social gatherings and start a conversation.
  4. Write down five things you would say to a friend about how they could care for themselves. Are you doing these things yourself?
  5. Listen to a Taketime meditation based on Luke 6:27-36: Love your enemies.

Explore God Welcomes All, a four-session study guide encouraging all members of the Methodist Church to look at our Christian calling that offers a welcome to all, whilst ensuring that our worship and wider church life is safe for everyone. It includes short films, activities and questions for discussion and reflection.