We worship with others regularly

God gives unbounded love and grace to us, and worship is one way of responding and celebrating this. As a consequence, we are transformed by the grace and power of God, receiving forgiveness and mercy.
“Worship helps me to notice God alongside me, and alongside others. It connects us as a diverse community united in love of one another and God.”
Worshipping God with others also helps to knit us into a faith community, with mission as “the natural, even inevitable, consequence” (Called to Love and Praise, 4.3.2). We also worship God through our everyday activities – at work, at home, and wherever we live our daily life.
Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. (Acts 2:46-47)
Methodist churches have a range of styles of worship, normally with these shared elements:
- Reading the Bible and reflecting on it to help us to know more of God.
- Participating in prayers of praise, adoration, confession, thanksgiving and intercession, petition and dedication, which help us explore different dimensions of prayer.
- Singing songs that express our faith in God and declare it to the world. Through their words and our heart response, songs may also remind us of our shared journey and inspire us to engage in mission.

Pause for thought
What do you believe about encountering the divine?
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Simple things to try
- If you don’t regularly attend a church worship service, visit your local Methodist church. You should receive a warm welcome. Don't be afraid to ask if you need to know what is happening, or if you've got any faith questions. If you do already attend a church, visit a different one in your area – how does the worship service compare? share your experiences with others and consider how different forms of worship might open you to God in different ways.
- If you’re involved in leading church services, check out our resources for conversation spaces and worship services. Singing the Faith Plus is also a one-stop-shop for resources and advice for people who prepare and lead worship.
- Think of ways that your church worship could be made more inclusive for people who don't currently attend.
- If you've been part of a church community for a while, prayerfully consider whether you might have a calling to be a worship leader.
- Are you a preacher? Check out the Politics in the Pulpit podcast, a lectionary-based weekly preaching resource, reflecting on preaching and justice.
- Listen to a Taketime meditation based on John 4:15-24 The Samaritan woman (part 2)