
A prayer for God's power in our lives

Endue us with your power, O Lord, that our mouths may speak your word, our hearts reveal your grace, our lives proclaim your goodness, and our labours find fulfilment in heaven. Amen. 

Sarah Mallet, Methodist Preacher (1764-1846)

A prayer that we may reflect the goodness of God

Holy God,
creation is your gift of grace,
pregnant with your presence.
You have adorned it with goodness,
with jewels of kindness
that shimmer and cast light into life.
The radiance of your Spirit refracts
through the lives of your people
and illuminates the darkness,
disturbing it with hope.
As your hand unveils what is hidden,
may we reflect what you reveal
for the good of all you have made. Amen.

Kerry Tankard, District Chair, Yorkshire West District

Where would you like to go next?

Let us guide you...

... Or choose your own...

A prayer of thanks for hidden treasures

I wonder…
Why you, Lord, choose to hide your treasures and to invite us to join in the divine ‘hide and seek’?
Why you, Jesus, choose darkness as the place where the richness of your light shines most strongly, most resolutely?
Why you, Spirit, choose to summon us by name – speaking into our lives with such intimacy and love?

Perhaps, Three-in-One,
you delight to find us seeking;
you enjoy the powerful impact of even the smallest of lights, piercing the deepest darkness;
you intend for us to know your voice, follow your promptings and to bear witness to your name.

Thank you for revealing your hiddenness, illuminating our darkness, and enabling us to know how much you have treasured us. Amen.

Philip Gough, District Chair, Lancashire District

Thursday 27 June 2013

Deuteronomy 7:6-11

Do you find prayer easy or hard?

An introduction to the Sunshine and Showers prayer course
