
Through reports and Memorials the Methodist Conference has agreed a position on the ongoing occupation and conflict in the Holy Land. Set out below are the conclusions that Conference has agreed over many years of conferring.

Israel and Palestine

  • The Methodist Church’s position is that a return to the borders of 1967 and a status for Jerusalem as a place for two nations and three faiths, with parity of esteem, is the real basis upon which trust could be built up among the different communities. The desire for a lasting peace can only be based on trust, security and freedom from fear for all people in the area. (1)
  • The state of Israel has a right to exist, Palestinians have the same right to self-determination and the State of Palestine should be recognized. (2)


  • We have stated that the inhumane and unjust treatment of ordinary citizens and the terror of random violence is deeply disturbing. (3)
  • Hamas and the Government of Israel must provide explicit acceptance of the right to peace, security and prosperity for all Israelis and Palestinians. (4)

The Occupation

  • The building of illegal settlements on Palestinian land is illegal under International Humanitarian Law and should be reversed. (5)
  • The building of the Separation Wall on Palestinian land is illegal and it should be pulled down. (5)
  • All should have freedom of movement and the right to worship in the region. (5)
  • The rights of Palestinian refugees should be upheld. (5)
  • The entrenched military rule of Israel in the West Bank intentionally subjecting Palestinians to live behind walls and checkpoints, satisfies the prevailing evidentiary standard for the existence of apartheid as assessed by the UN Special Rapporteur, in his report of 21 March 2022. (6)
  • Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and the Blockade of Gaza are illegal and we call for an end to the occupation and blockade. (5)

Arms Embargo

  • There should be an arms embargo against all sides in the conflict. (5)
  • The Methodist Conference calls on the UK government to suspend the right of Israeli defence companies involved in the occupation to tender for Ministry of Defence contracts. (7)


  • That Methodist people take pro-active action in the region by engaging in projects and programmes that improve livelihoods and encourage greater interaction between divided communities through promoting justice and peace. (8)
  • Encouragement to individual Methodists, churches, circuits and districts to be involved in non-violent campaigns aimed to end the occupation including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. (6)
  • We deplore and condemn all forms of discrimination including antisemitism and islamophobia and commend the work of the Justice, Dignity and Solidarity committee and the mandatory EDI training the Conference agreed in 2021. (9)
  • The valuable work of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is welcome, and the Methodist Conference recognises that EAPPI continues to prevail in its protection work in the face of financial, logistical and political challenges and urges its continued support by WCC. (10)
  • We call for an immediate ceasefire in the current conflict (2023/24). (11)