
This Bible Month book for 2021 was the Book of Isaiah

Isaiah is a highly significant book that sits right at the centre of the Bible – not only in terms of where it appears, but in terms of its theological significance. It encapsulates the core strands of the Old Testament, summarising the story and struggles of Israel, and proclaiming God’s plans and promises for its people. It is also referenced again and again by the New Testament writers who are eager to demonstrate that Jesus and the early Church can be seen as the fulfilment of those plans and promises. In short, it is one of the best texts for helping us to trace a story-arc through the whole Bible; hear God’s heart for God’s people, appreciate what the writers of the New Testament are saying, and reflect on who Jesus is and who we are called to be as the Church today.

 Order your copy of the 30 Days with Isaiah booklet from the Preach website now. 

Because Isaiah is rather long, it might seem like a daunting book to explore. But, rest assured, this year’s menu of resources, training and learning opportunities is set to make it really accessible for everyone in your context, so no one finds themselves biting off more than they can manage...

To start with, we’re taking more of a thematic approach to the book. Each week we’re encouraging reflection on a different fundamental theme of the book.

Week 1: Tough Love
Week 2: A Light to the World
Week 3: The Faithful Servant
Week 4: A New World



An Introduction to Isaiah

Below is a short video from Rev Dr Helen Paynter – author of the 30 Days with Isaiah study notes - about what makes Isaiah so worth reading.

Bible Month 2022 Resources

There are various resources which you and your church can still use to engage with Isaiah:

Buy the Booklet

Order your copies of the 30 Days with Isaiah booklet from www.preachweb.org

Check out the Learning Network Material

The Learning Network offered a host of training and engagement opportunities during the 30 Days with Mark campaign. You can still access recordings of these on our Social pages:

The Bible Month Facebook Page


The Bible Month YouTube Channel.


Bible Month 2022 Further Resources

Here are few key documents from Bible Month 2021 that might also be particularly useful:

  • B&W Version of Study Notes (Pdf)
    This is not the full version of the Study Guide which you can order from the Preach website. This is a reduced, black and white version with the core preaching notes for those wanting to prepare for Bible Month sermons and small group sessions.
  • Introduction to Isaiah and the 30 Days study notes (video)
    This is a short video from Helen Paynter offering an overview of the study notes. She explains some of the historical realities that brought the text of Isaiah into being, how and why she has divided the text into the four themes she has, and celebrating some of the contributions Isaiah can make to our lived faith today. We recommend that this be played during Local Preacher’s Meetings as a way of introducing LPs and WLs to Bible Month and this year’s resource.
  • Hymns for Bible Month worship
    A starter list of hymns from Singing the Faith and StF+ to help worship and sermon planning. Selected to reflect the four themes developed for the Bible Month resource, together with hymns that say something about Isaiah's call and prophetic task.
  • Church and Circuit Resource Pack (.zip folder)
    This year we have put together a Resource Pack for churches and circuits. It includes PowerPoint templates, the Bible Month graphics, colour palettes and illustrations, access to the promo and intro videos, and more. Use these to help you promote and encourage engagement with Bible Month in your context.
  • Isaiah Reading Plan (Pdf)
    We don't just want to encourage churches and circuit to talk and read about Isaiah - we want to encourage them to read it too! But it is a long book. So we've broken it down into this guided reading plan which also includes some helpful notes to help you get the most out of reading it together.
  • Bible Month Training Day (video and Pdf)