Seeing the Spiritual - A Guide to the Methodist Modern Art Collection

This expanded and revised edition of the Guide to the Methodist Modern Art Collection is based on an original text by Roger Wollen, with additional contributions by members of the Management Committee of the Methodist Modern Art Collection.
Foreword by the art critic Richard Cork
New Preface by Ann Sumner, Chair of the Management Committee of the Collection
Introduction by Graham Kent
Famous names from the British art world of the past 100 years are represented, such as Norman Adams, Edward Burra, Elizabeth Frink, Maggi Hambling, David Jones, Ceri Richards, William Roberts and Graham Sutherland.
International artists include Georges Rouault from France, F N Souza and Jyoti Sahi from India, Sadao Watanabe from Japan, and John Muafangejo from Southern Africa.
Available from Methodist Publishing, price £7.99 plus postage. Order online or call 0845 017 8220 for further details.
Posters from the Collection

Eight posters (A2 size) of some of the wonderful works in the Methodist Modern Art Collection, with artistic representations inspired by Epiphany, Christ’s ministry and Passion, and Holy Communion. Ideal as a focus for personal reflection and to stimulate conversation about what Christ and faith mean to us. Right from the outset, the purpose of the Collection was to encourage us all in ‘seeing the spiritual’.
These complement the Methodist Modern Art Collection postcard booklet of 24 postcards arranged according to the gospel story and including portrayals of Jesus from different world cultures, and ‘Seeing the Spiritual’, the 2018 guide to the whole Collection.
Available to order now from Methodist Publishing.

A booklet of 24 postcards from the Methodist Modern Art Collection is now available from Methodist Publishing, price £5.99 plus postage. Order online or call 0845 017 8220 for further details.
Other resources
Painting, Poems and Prayers for Holy Week This newly revised material for Palm Sunday, through Holy Week and Easter - selected images from the Methodist Modern Art Collection with poems written by exhibition visitors inspired by these wonderful works of art. Originally created for Friends of the Collection by members of the MMAC Management Committee.
Paintings, Prayers and Carols for Christmas for Christmas 2020
This online resource comprises eight pictures from the Methodist Modern Art Collection with words from Singing the Faith, the current authorised hymnbook of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. Thanks go to Laurence Wareing, editor of Singing the Faith Plus, for his invaluable assistance.
Like all good art, the Nativity pictures in the Collection are not just visually attractive. They are often thought provoking and sometimes challenging. The Management Committee of the Collection hope these images and the words that accompany them will enrich your devotions this Christmas.
Cosmic Christ - Sarah Middleton reflects on two creative responses to paintings depicting Christ's relationship to the natural world - at the cataclysmic point of his crucifixion. This article first appeared in Artserve magazine, Issue 25 (Spring 2020). To find out more, see
A critique of the paintings in the MMAC by Francis Hoyland as presented at the opening of an exhibition of the Collection at the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, January 2003. (Please note - not all works in this critique are available on this website due to copyright restrictions).
Making the Most of the Methodist Modern Art Collection - a leaflet designed to provide organisers of exhibitions of the Collection with some ideas to help them make the most of the event. (Word doc)
Praying with Art
Sarah Middleton introduces the Methodist Modern Art Collection and its resource Creative Spirit, as well as offering a way to reflect on pictures and use them as an aid to prayer.
Theology and Art - a reflection on the use of art in the Church.
Friends Newsletters - keep up to date with news via the twice-yearly Friends newsletter.
Ways of looking - A helpful guide to looking at pictures from the Tate Gallery.
The Pool of Bethesda - by Edward Burra - an illustrated talk by Revd Bruce Thompson.
Commentary on Theyre Lee-Elliott's Crucified tree form - the Agony online at Visual Commentary on Scripture - read how this striking image has been interpreted - and some of the other works in this impressive resource.