
Timeline for Borrowing the Collection

This timeline has been designed to indicate the lead-in times for key stages of the borrowing process.  The detailed guidance is arranged chronologically in three parts to relate to the timeline.

Part 1: Initial Planning

24 months before exhibition      

Read Guidance for Borrowers

22 months before exhibition

Identify your vision for the exhibition and key partners

Send completed Expression of Interest Form to The Administrator

20 months before exhibition      

Link meeting between MMACMC representative and Planning Group

18 months before exhibition      

Site visit and completion of Premises and Facilities Form

Submit Loan Application Form to Main Contact

Part 2: Exhibition Planning

15 months before exhibition

Loan Application form and Premises and Facilities Report approved by MMACMC

Sign the Loan Agreement and pay 10% deposit

Initiate website/social media development

12 months before exhibition

Plan programme of events and activities

Obtain copies of existing interpretation and adapt if necessary

10 months before exhibition

Obtain high resolution images for printed material

Commence recruitment of volunteers

Prepare drafts of fliers and posters for publicity

8 months before exhibition

Plan arrangements for opening

Send proofs of printed material to Main Contact

Pay balance of loan fee

Launch web pages

6 months before exhibition

Finalise programme of events and activities

Confirm opening event and invite MMACMC

Part 3: Exhibition Installation

3 months before exhibition

Book fine art courier and confirm detailed installation and de-installation schedule with Main Contact

Recruit volunteers to support installation and de-installation teams

Finalise rota of volunteers to invigilate exhibition

1 month before exhibition

Prepare final hanging plan

Print labels and other interpretation

Write the press release in good time, with a plan for distribution two weeks before the opening event.