Elisabeth Frink (1930-1993)
Drawing - Black ink, wash and watercolour
85 x 68 cm
Methodist Modern Art Collection
Image Copyright © Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes. The Methodist Church Registered Charity no. 1132208
Biblical commentary
John 19: 38–42
The dead Jesus is shown, still crowned with thorns, after Joseph of Arimathaea has taken his body down from the Cross (The Deposition), before wrapping him in the linen cloth and placing him in the tomb. Jesus seems to be propped up against a rock, with his right arm extended upwards. The Pieta (Lamentation), normally portrays the sorrowing Virgin with Christ’s body. It is intended to aid devotional meditation rather than to portray the biblical narrative. Elisabeth Frink commented ‘I did a lot of drawings that were all entitled “Pieta” which, to me, has nothing to do with whether the Virgin Mary was represented or not…… These are details of the Christ from a “Pieta”.’
Commentary based on A Guide to the Methodist Art Collection.