

Grief and loss are woven through all our lives. It is an inevitable part of loving that we grieve when those we love are gone.


We may also grieve changes in life, such as health difficulties, workplace or schooling changes, or home moves.

Jesus says that with us in our grief, holding us in our pain, is an everlasting love that is our ultimate destination.

The grief cycle has five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. All the prayers on this webpage relate to one or more of these emotions.


How do you feel right now? Take a few minutes to tell God about it. You can say it aloud, write it in your journal, draw a picture to represent it, or simply think about it.

How would you like God to respond?

Here's a simple prayer, say it with me

God, thank you that you are always with me.

Help me to always feel your presence, no matter what.


Read these words from Matthew 11:28-30.

In this passage, Jesus explains that he can give the same rest as God, for he is God. Afterwards, he goes on to talk about ‘Sabbath’, a time of rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Breath prayers combine simple prayers – often just a couple of words from or inspired by a Bible passage – with deep breathing to help calm and focus your body and mind. Practice one now. As you breathe in, think the words “come to me” to God. As you breathe out, imagine God saying to you “I will give you rest”. Repeat for a minute or two – or as long as you need.

Lament is a biblical practice of turning to God in times of grief or anger.

Use the questions below to write or speak aloud your own prayer of lament. Be as honest as you want to be – God can handle any anger or despair you might express.

Address: What name for God or word to describe God comes to mind?

Complaint: What makes you feel angry or unhappy today, or has previously made you feel unhappy during your grief? Say them aloud, write them down, or express them creatively.

Request: In the ‘bargaining’ stage of grief, you may think about ‘what if’ or ‘if only’ scenarios, trying to understand if things could have been different. Or you might say to God ‘I’ll… if you…’. What would you like to ask God today?

Trust: Express your trust that God loves you, no matter how you have spoken to God today. Clench your fist as hard as you can, thinking about the complaints and requests you have just made. As you unclench your fist, imagining God has heard you and is taking your anger. Imagine God hugging you and telling you (you might want to say it aloud) ‘I love you, no strings attached. Nothing that has happened is because I am not here with you and the people you love’. Repeat it as many times as you need.

If you are supporting someone who is facing bereavement, explore these further resources.

Find more prayers for the grieving process: search for prayers on the daily prayers page.