Today’s online world holds huge potential for the Church to fulfil Our Calling. This is especially true given its current focus on story-sharing and authentic evangelism.
More than 92% of the UK population are internet users. People live their lives online and we, as the Church, need to be where they are.
You can find resources here, created by the Methodist Church and other organisations, to explore the online world and the opportunity it provides for your community.
Keep in touch with us
Sign up to receive our digital resources and campaign updates email newsletter.
Getting Started Online
A series of 24 videos from the Methodist Church exploring our place in the digital world.
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Digital blog
Regular blogs exploring the online world for churches.
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Social media guidelines
Guidelines applying to all content and comments posted to Methodist Church social media channels.
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Resources created and developed by Yorkshire North & East Methodist District

Join the Network of Methodist Communicators
The Communications Team of the Methodist Church in Britain has established a Network of Methodist Communicators across the Connexion for sharing creative ideas, resources, expertise, and discussion on all aspects of communication.
Are you employed or volunteer in a digital role in a church, circuit, or district? Are you a minister who is actively involved in church communication, online or offline? A social media manager, comms officer, content creator, digital innovator, video editor, livestream producer, manage newsletters, create print material, or work with the press?
If so, please join this Facebook Group to be support and support others in their use of communication resources.
It has two specific purposes:
- to join up those that are doing work in this area and maximise the reach of good practice and resources
- to use it as a sounding board to shape the training and resources provided by the Connexional Team
At this stage, it is a closed group for people who’ve signed up to be in the Network of Methodist Communicators.