

The Methodist Conference agreed to reinvigorate the Church's engagement with education in 2021 with the Transforming Lives strategy.

Currently (June 2024), almost 23,000 children attend the 65 state-funded and 14 independent Methodist schools in England and Wales. All the schools have a Christian foundation, serve their local community and are fully inclusive, welcoming pupils of all faiths and none.

Our Transforming Lives strategy builds on the work of the Education Commission (Conference 2012) and provides a focus for our priorities over the next 10 years, encouraging us to grow our presence and extend our influence in children’s education and the communities they serve as an expression of the gospel.

Our strategy has two major parts:

Part One, engaging with Schools in our locality;

Part Two, delves into areas of work such as maintaining and extending our engagement via Methodist Schools.”

Transforming Lives Newsletter 2022, Conference Edition

Transforming Lives Newsletter 2023, Conference Edition

For further information about Methodist Schools visit www.methodistschools.org.uk