
How comfortable, or uncomfortable, the leaders of a community are with endings can impact on how well the community handle the ending they are facing together.

We can draw on learning from a wide range of aspects of life, mission and ministry when we are leading a community during a time of endings.

Pastoral Supervision teaches us something about good endings and we can apply that good practice to other forms of endings too.

If you are leaving a community, then Good Practice For Healthy Endings might be helpful for you

If as the leader of a community you find endings difficult, and if you find that any of the cartoons in Ending Phenomena in Supervision apply to you, then it might be helpful for you to spend some time in Reflective Supervision, or with another trusted accompanist, considering how this time you could make different choices.

If you feel you cannot change your responses to endings, then it is worth considering making use of the Ministerial Counselling Service’s six free sessions to help you unpack why endings are so hard for you. This is available through the wellbeing team (wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk).