
Management is like a skeleton in a body. If the skeleton can be seen, then the body is in trouble, yet without a skeleton the body will collapse.  Also, in healthy bodies, skeletons grow and develop so the body can grow.  For any congregational management system to be effective three major things must happen.

The leaders must be growing and developing as leaders while developing more leaders

  • The growth of any organization is in proportion to the leaders being developed within the organisation.
  • The leaders work with different groups in developing leaders: these might be trustees, employees, colleagues, key people in the congregation.           
  • Without intentional leadership development the congregation will not experience sustained healthy growth.

Leadership always marries three terms that reflect how work gets done, and those terms are:  responsibility, authority, and accountability.

  • Responsibility means that there is agreement among the leaders on What the mission of the congregation is and Who is charged with specific tasks to see that the mission is implemented.
  • Authority means that there is agreement about Where the boundaries lie that create freedom of movement to perform the tasks. 
  • Accountability means that there is agreement as to what will happen to whom When tasks are accomplished or not accomplished. 

Leadership should be collaborative and recognise the gifts of the whole people of God

  • The leaders help the congregation to implement the mission and accomplish the vision. 
  • Individuals lead their ministries and manage the activities to produce healthy growing disciples and in turn a healthy growing congregation.