
Creating Good Endings
in 'The Releasing of Buildings for God’s Mission' (paras 48-51), Methodist Council Paper (2014)

Creative Ideas
Some possible ways of celebrating endings

in 'Changing Patterns of Ministry' (pp. 291-294), Conference 2021

Endings PowerPoint
Prepared by Kerry Scarlett, Learning Network

Guidance on church closures
Produced by Property Support and Legal and Constitutional Practice Teams (July 2021)

Naming loss and celebrating milestones
Information about supporting children and young people with endings

Our Church's Future Story
Resources to help churches plan for the continuation of their mission

Pastures New
A resource to support individuals through moves and changes in their ministry compiled by Nigel Pimlott, Learning Network

Purpose Fulfilled?
from p.39 in 'Presence: A workbook to help promote and sustain an effective Christian presence in villages'

Revisiting the concept of church life-cycles
More detailed information about concepts of church life-cycles

The following publications may also be helpful

Ending Well 
John Leach (Grove Booklet)

Ending with Hope: A Resource for Closing Congregations
Beth Ann Gaede (American context, but still useful)

The Unstuck Church: Equipping Churches to Sustained Health
Tony Morgan

Transitions: Making Sense of life’s Changes
William Bridges (not faith based, self help perspective)

Skills for Collaborative Ministry
Sally Nash, Jo Pimlott & Paul Nash (the chapter on ‘Evaluation Skills’ has some good questions)

Rewilding the Church
Steve Aisthorpe (especially chapter ‘From Lament to Trust’)

Bothered and Bewildered: Enacting Hope in Troubled Times
Ann Morisy (theological reflection rather than about endings specifically)

Hopeful Imagination
Walter Brueggemann (again, not about endings specifically but has relevant theological themes)