
We strongly recommend that all Local Lay-Pastors access the training, learning and development provided by the Local Lay-Pastor pathway. The training modules are unique and have been developed to support the role of Local Lay-Pastors. They have a strong element of reflecting on practice and therefore can extend the learning of all Local Lay-Pastors regardless of their previous learning and experience.

Accessing the development pathway also provides strong opportunities to connect with others in the role of Local Lay-Pastor and learn together in this distinct office.

Where a Circuit believes that some or all of the formal learning is not necessary for a Local Lay-Pastor to engage in, they need to detail how previous learning and development matches with the competencies and Cliff College courses. The LLP-APL form enables them to do this. This should be sent to LLP@methodistchurch.org.uk. Please note that while Cliff College delivers the training and learning, they are unable to make decisions about which modules a Local Lay-Pastor needs to do to meet the competencies. 

It is important that as much information, with supporting evidence, is included as possible. Accreditation as a Local Lay-Pastor can only be given when a Local Lay-Pastor has been in the role or a similar role with their present Circuit for at least a year. This is to ensure the Circuit has enough evidence to judge to what extent a Local Lay-Pastor is meeting the competencies.

Information and evidence should be drawn from the last five years demonstrating ongoing learning and formal training throughout. This will be used to make a decision about a personalised pathway for the individual Local Lay-Pastor.

The application will be reviewed by an APLE Review Panel.  The Local Lay-Pastor will be invited to a short video meeting so that the panel can clarify any queries they may have with the application, and further explanation of previous experience of theological education can be given.  There will normally be two members of the Panel at the meeting, and Local Lay-Pastors are welcome to invite a friend or supporter to attend with them.

Once the online meeting has taken place, the Circuit should hear the outcome of the application within a calendar month. This will identify a pathway to complete the Local Lay-Pastor training.