Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go, my daily labour to pursue, thee, only thee, resolved to know in all I think, or speak, or do.
The task thy wisdom has assigned O let me cheerfully fulfil, in all my works thy presence find, and prove thy good and perfect will.
From Singing the Faith 550
Words from Scripture
“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.”
John 12:26
Day by day, dear Lord, Singing the Faith 444
As we begin
To consider alone
As God’s servant, take a moment to recognise Jesus’ presence with you as this meeting begins.
To consider together
Since the last meeting, how has the work of this group “cheerfully” fulfilled the wisdom of God in the Church and community?
As we continue
To consider alone
As this meeting progresses can I say, “thee, only thee resolved to know / in all I think or speak or do”? How might that resolve to know Jesus influence what I say and don’t say as the meeting continues?
To consider together
Wesley says, “in all my works thy presence find”. Where am I finding God’s presence in the work of this meeting?
As we finish
To consider alone
As you go forth in God’s name, take a moment to ask God for the help you need to “cheerfully fulfil” his will.
To consider together
“The task thy wisdom has assigned / O let me cheerfully fulfil.” In groups of two or three, share how each person will seek to cheerfully fulfil the work assigned to them in the weeks ahead.
Pray or sing together the words from Charles Wesley used at the beginning of the meeting.
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