
Check out Evangelism and Growth webinars and events

On this page you will find links to in-person events and upcoming Zoom gatherings and webinars hosted by the Evangelism and Growth Team. Join with us as we reflect on our practice together and spur each other on to live out our renewed commitment to becoming a growing, evangelistic, justice-seeking, inclusive church. The auto live transcript option in Zoom is enabled for all our webinars.

Click here to see all upcoming events

Our Evangelism and Growth events are grouped around the following streams of the God For All strategy.

See upcoming events for each stream below:


The process of discipleship aligns our lives to keep following Jesus, and becoming more like him. We do this as individuals and a community by shared spiritual practices and reflecting together. A Methodist Way Of Life expands the Methodist Church’s core Our Calling statement, and provides a rhythm to live life.

There are twelve practices that will help us mature as disciples, welcome others into the church community, and be part of a missional church together. Our online and onsite events aim to deepen your discipleship, and help you to to help other people too. 

Click here for upcoming discipleship events


Evangelism: the E-word! A word which can make us feel all kinds of things: excited, uncomfortable, fulfilled, inadequate! However, you feel about it, evangelism is central to our calling to participate in God’s life-changing work. Our evangelism events and gatherings help equip you for evangelism, wherever and whoever you are.

Click here for upcoming evangelism events

Transformational Leadership

Great change requires great leaders. Investing in all leaders - lay and ordained, paid staff and volunteers - is crucial in pursuing transformation in churches so that we might see transformation in the world God loves. Our transformational leadership events explore the theories and practices of leadership and equip you to see transformation happen where you are.

Click here for upcoming transformational leadership events

New Places for New People

New Places for New People (NPNP) are projects focused on forming new Christian communities for those not yet part of an existing church. The Methodist Church encourages every circuit to imagine, begin and sustain something new. Our events network people together, equip and enable Methodists to begin New Places for New People in every context.

Click here for upcoming New Places for New People events

Church at the Margins

Church at the Margins is about being church with people at the margins, especially the economic margins of society. We hope and anticipate that 60% of our New Places for New People will focus on people experiencing poverty. Our events support you as you listen, dream, plan and take action.

Click here for upcoming Church at the Margins events

Every Church a Growing Church

As Methodists, we want to see more people explore faith and encounter grace for the first time. We long to see every church a growing church: growing spiritually, growing in love for their community and, by God's grace, growing numerically too. In this collection, you'll find events to support your church or circuit with mission planning and community engagement.

Click here for upcoming Every Church a Growing Church events

Rural Hope

Rural mission and ministry is all about being who God calls us to be in the places and communities we are part of and call home. Living in a rural area affects all aspects of our lives, both individually and as community, and this includes how we are church. Small is beautiful - our presence and prayerful witness as Christians in these communities can and does make a difference, but needs resilience. Our #ruralhope events support and inspire rural churches across Britain.

Click here for upcoming Rural Hope events