
The pathway will look different in different contexts. It’s flexible and adaptable to suit your local situation. Here are four examples. Each one includes one commitment from each of the four areas of Our Calling: evangelism, worship, learning & caring, and service.

Rural micro-church pathway


  1. A community gathers in each other’s homes, a community space, or outside, all ages together for worship
  2. One week they all join in the village litter-pick.
  3. They regularly go for wonder and wander walks and invite their neighbours along.
  4. They bake cakes to welcome and bless people in the wider community as surprise gifts.

Find more inspiration on our Rural Mission and Ministry pages or come along to one of the "Rural and Rooted" webinars.

Traditional church discipleship pathway

  1. A church community meets weekly on Sundays for worship.
  2. They join in peaceful protests about local issues of injustice.
  3. They run a midweek coffee morning where people from the village gather and chat together.
  4. They have mid-week groups to read the Bible and reflect on how God was present in the Sunday service, and throughout the week.

Digital fellowship discipleship pathway

  1. A community meets weekly on Zoom for worship.
  2. They share online petitions and give to good causes.
  3. They model love and kindness on social media.
  4. They listen to the same theology podcasts and discuss their thoughts.

Pioneer café discipleship pathway

  1. The community meets weekly at a local cafe.
  2. They share food and care for each other.
  3. They discuss how they can live in more eco-friendly ways.
  4. They talk about their spirituality and the moments of depth in their everyday lives.