Our Church's Future Story: Guidance and resources for mission planning

Our Church's Future Story: Guidance and resources for mission planning guides your church or circuit through the process of discerning and writing a really useful mission plan from start to finish. This is a new edition of 36 cards, to replace the pack of 18 cards which was published in 2019. It is structured around the 8-step mission planning process and includes lots of additional material and suggested activities.
You can download a digital copy here, or alternatively you can order hard copies from Methodist Publishing for just the cost of postage and packing.
You may wish to order copies for everyone in your Circuit Leadership Team, or perhaps one for each of your church stewards. You could have a look through the digital version before ordering a hard copy. To use the cards most effectively, you will need a skilled facilitator. There may be someone in your church or circuit with these skills, or you may wish to find an outside facilitator. Sometimes it's easier for someone from outside your situation to suggest possibilities, manage tensions or say things which may be important to say, but hard to hear. A good facilitator will help everyone to feel that they have been 'heard', and will skilfully guide you through your mission planning conversations.